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It’s Carnival!

                                                                                        January 29, 2018

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                GOP Senators: Trump Needs to Show Restraint in Russia Probe

            Senate Armed Service Committee member Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., arrives for a meeting about immigration on Capitol Hill in Washington.
                                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
            By HOPE YEN                  The  senators,  Lindsey  Gra-  as grave if proved true. “I’m  peared to be in no immedi-  approve  added  protec-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Two  ham of South Carolina and  sure that there will be an in-    ate danger, pointing to the  tions  for  Mueller  given  the
            Republican  senators  said  Susan  Collins  of  Maine,  vestigation  around  wheth-    political  costs  if  Trump  did  recent  media  reports.  But
            Sunday that President Don-   also urged special counsel  er  or  not  President  Trump  remove him.                 she didn’t offer a timeline.
            ald Trump would be wise to  Robert  Mueller  to  review  did try to fire Mr. Mueller.”  “It’s pretty clear to me that  “I think the president would
            keep a public silence on an  whether Trump tried to fire  Graham, co-sponsor of leg-   everybody  in  the  White  be  best  served  by  never
            independent  investigation  him  last  June,  an  accusa-  islation  that  would  protect  House  knows  it  would  discussing the investigation,
            into  his  2016  campaign’s  tion  the  president  has  la-  Mueller  from  being  fired  be  the  end  of  President  ever, whether in tweets, ex-
            contacts with Russia in the  beled “fake news.”           without  a  legal  basis,  said  Trump’s  presidency  if  he  cept  in  private  conversa-
            wake  of  news  reports  that  “Mueller is the best person  he would be “glad to pass  fired Mr. Mueller,” he said.  tions with his attorney,” she
            he sought to fire the special  to look at it,” said Graham,  it  tomorrow.”  But  he  insist-  Collins said it would certain-  said.
            counsel.                     describing  the  allegation  ed  that  Mueller’s  job  ap-  ly “not hurt” for Congress to      Continued on Page 3
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