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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Wednesday, July 6, 2016

   Passing The Baton

President Barack Obama, left, gestures as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, right, takes the podium during a campaign rally for Clinton in Charlotte,
N.C., Tuesday, July 5, 2016.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

Obama Hits the Campaign Trail with Clinton

J. PACE                        his former secretary of state    he said. “I have had a front-  what her campaign and         against Clinton for her
K. HENNESSEY                   just hours after his FBI direc-  row seat to her judgment       the White House imagined      email practices — but only
Associated Press               tor blasted her handling of      and her commitment.”           during the long primary       after he presented a sear-
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) —         classified material.             The energetic Obama-Clin-      season.                       ing description of her “ex-
President Barack Obama         Shirt sleeves rolled up in       ton appearance in North        Shortly before the president  tremely careless” handling
vigorously vouched for Hill-   campaign form, Obama             Carolina was a show of         and his would-be successor    of classified information
ary Clinton’s trustworthiness  declared, “I’m ready to          Democratic unity in a state    flew to Charlotte together,   that ensured the matter
and dedication on Tues-        pass the baton.”                 Clinton is hoping to put       FBI Director James Com-       won’t be going away.
day, making his first outing   “I’m here today because          back in the party’s column.    ey announced he would
on the campaign stump for      I believe in Hillary Clinton,”   But the moment wasn’t          not recommend charges            Continued on page 4
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