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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Friday, February 12, 2016


A man wave American flag from atop a car at the Narrows roadblock, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, near Burns, Ore. The last four occupiers of a Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge in eastern Oregon surrendered Thursday. The holdouts were the last remnants of a larger group that seized the wildlife refuge nearly six weeks ago, demand-
ing that the government turn over the land to locals and release two ranchers imprisoned for setting fires.

                                                                                                                                                                                       (Thomas Boyd/The Oregonian via AP)

Last Holdouts in Oregon Standoff Surrender

REBECCA BOONE                rendered Thursday, and a    that seized the Malheur Na-    2, the federal land was fully  Portland after encouraging
MARTHA BELLISLE              leader in their movement    tional Wildlife Refuge near-   under the control of theU.S.   the Oregon occupiers not
Associated Press             who organized a 2014        ly six weeks ago, demand-      government.                    to give up. Bundy is the fa-
BURNS, Ore. (AP) — Sur-      standoff with authorities   ing that the government        Meanwhile, Cliven Bundy,       ther of Ammon Bundy, the
rounded by FBI agents in     was criminally charged in   turn over the land to locals   who was at the center of       jailed leader of the Oregon
armored vehicles, the last   federal court.              and release two ranchers       the 2014 standoff at his       occupation.
four occupiers of a na-      The holdouts were the last  imprisoned for setting fires.  ranch in Nevada, was ar-
tional nature preserve sur-  remnants of a larger group  For the first time since Jan.  rested late Wednesday in           Continued on page 4
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