P. 10


WORLD NEWSFriday 3 June 2016

Philippine rebels to discuss peace talks with new government 

JIM GOMEZ                      Communist rebel negotiator Fidel Agcaoili gestures during a rare news conference Thursday,                                         claimed by the Philippines.
Associated Press               June 2, 2016 at suburban Quezon city northeast of Manila, Philippines. Agcaoili said communist                                     Agcaoili said the rebels’
MANILA, Philippines (AP)       guerrillas will demand an end to US military presence in the Philippines as the insurgents and the                                 demands also include a
— Philippine communist         government of incoming President Rodrigo Duterte brace to resume long-stalled peace talks.                                         land reform program that
rebels said Thursday that                                                                                                                                         would free farmers from
long-stalled peace talks                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)  decades of poverty and a
could be resumed with the                                                                                                                                         national industrialization ef-
government of incoming         also negotiate an end           cade after the closure of       camps.                                                             fort that is not dependent
President Rodrigo Duterte      to two Philippine secu-         sprawling U.S. military bases   The accords have helped                                            on Western governments or
as early as July, and that     rity pacts with the United      in the country.                 the U.S. reassert its pres-                                        multinational corporations.
they will demand an end to     States, including the 1999      Another pact, the 2014          ence in Asia, which dove-                                          Duterte said earlier this
the U.S. military presence in  Visiting Forces Agreement,      Enhanced Defense Coop-          tails with Philippine hopes                                        week that he will chart an
the country.                   which allowed American          eration Agreement, grants       for American help in coun-                                         independent foreign policy
Rebel negotiator Fidel Ag-     forces to return to the Phil-   American forces, warships       tering  China’s  increasingly                                      for the Philippines “and will
caoili told a rare news con-   ippines for largescale com-     and fighter jets access         assertive claims to areas of                                       not be dependent on the
ference in Manila that the     bat exercises nearly a de-      to five Philippine military     the South  China  Sea also                                         United States,” the coun-
demand “is non-negotia-                                                                                                                                           try’s longtime treaty ally.
ble.” He said government                                                                                                                                          In another sign of rapport
and rebel negotiators are                                                                                                                                         between Duterte and the
preparing to meet in Eu-                                                                                                                                          rebels, Communist Party
rope this month to discuss                                                                                                                                        of the Philippines founder
the resumption of talks,                                                                                                                                          Jose Maria Sison said in
which have been stalled                                                                                                                                           a video conference with
for years.                                                                                                                                                        Manila-based journalists on
Duterte, who takes office                                                                                                                                         Thursday that he will return
June 30, has offered two                                                                                                                                          to the Philippines soon to
Cabinet posts to allies of                                                                                                                                        meet Duterte, his former
the rebels, who in turn have                                                                                                                                      political science student at
freed kidnapped police-                                                                                                                                           a local university.
men to encourage the re-                                                                                                                                          Sison, 77, was detained
sumption of talks.                                                                                                                                                during the dictatorship of
“We have always stood on                                                                                                                                          Ferdinand Marcos but was
the basis of principled self-                                                                                                                                     freed by then President
respect and national sover-                                                                                                                                       Corazon Aquino after Mar-
eignty,” Agcaoili said. “We                                                                                                                                       cos’ 1986 ouster. Sison later
cannot allow the presence                                                                                                                                         went into self-exile with
of U.S. military bases here.”                                                                                                                                     other rebel leaders in the
The rebels, he said, would                                                                                                                                        Netherlands.q

China says Muslim practices to be protected during Ramadan 

GERRY SHIH                     spite complaints from rights    ence of radical Islam.          dismiss criticism of religious                                     events, said James Leibold,
Associated Press               groups and others of past       However, human rights           policies, and Tuergan Pida,                                        a scholar of China’s eth-
BEIJING (AP) — China’s         government interference         groups and Uighurs in ex-       director of Xinjiang’s ethnic                                      nic policy at Australia’s La
government won’t inter-        during the religious holiday.   ile say restrictions on dress,  affairs committee, said at                                         Trobe University.
fere with fasting and other    Xinjiang is home to Chi-        prayer and fasting dur-         the news conference that                                           Leibold cited the sacking
standard religious activities  na’s Muslim Uighur minor-       ing Ramadan have exac-          religious freedoms are at                                          last month of Wang Zhen-
in the traditionally Muslim    ity group that is culturally,   erbated ethnic tensions,        an “unprecedented” high.                                           gwei, the Muslim chairman
region of Xinjiang during      religiously and linguistically  while government efforts        The regional government                                            of the State Ethnic Affairs
the Islamic holy month of      distinct from the Chinese       to assimilate Uighurs have      helped arrange emer-                                               Commission, amid specula-
Ramadan that begins this       majority. It has seen waves     stoked resentment.              gency prayer sites follow-                                         tion that top Chinese lead-
month, officials said Thurs-   of violence against civilians   President Xi Jinping recent-    ing an earthquake during                                           ers opposed the building of
day.                           in recent years which au-       ly stated that members of       Ramadan last year, while                                           mosques under his watch.
Restaurants will be allowed    thorities have blamed on        the ruling Communist Par-       Communist Party officials                                          “This illustrates the deep di-
to keep their own hours        radicals seeking indepen-       ty should be “unyielding        ate with religious leaders                                         visions at the top reaches
and authorized activities      dence from Beijing.             Marxist atheists,” and the      to mark the end of the holy                                        of the party over the value
in mosques and private         China maintains tight re-       state imposes strict rules on   month, Pida said.                                                  and place of religious and
homes will be legally pro-     strictions over Islamic obser-  participation in religious by   Chinese claims of unprece-                                         ethnic diversity within Chi-
tected, the officials said at  vances in the area, in part     students, teachers, public      dented religious freedom in                                        nese society,” Leibold said
a news conference on reli-     to maintain government          servants and others.            Xinjiang are “deeply ironic                                        by telephone. q
gious policy in Xinjiang, de-  control and stem the influ-     Chinese officials routinely     and troubling” given recent
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