P. 11

                                                                                                              Friday 3 June 2016

Venezuela police repel rare protest near presidential palace 

A woman kicks the shield of a National Guard soldier as other demonstrators push during a pro-     windows banging pots and        Protesters said the incident
                                                                                                   yelling insults at the police.  began at a nearby super-
test demanding food, a few blocks from Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela,       The economically strug-         market when it appeared
                                                                                                   gling county has seen           people affiliated with the
Thursday, June 2, 2016. Venezuela is seeing rising frustration with widespread food shortages and  near-daily spontaneous          government were taking
                                                                                                   protests in recent weeks        away the food those in line
triple-digit inflation.                                                                            over shortages of food and      had been waiting in the
                                                                                                   medicine, rolling power         oppressive heat to buy.
                                                           (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)              blackouts, and poor ac-         “We have needs, too. We
                                                                                                   cess to running water.          all need to eat” said Jose
                                                                                                   Venezuela’s political op-       Lopez, 23, who joined doz-
                                                                                                   position has staged several     ens of the protesters who
                                                                                                   large rallies against Presi-    ran toward the presidential
                                                                                                   dent Nicolas Maduro, but        palace.
                                                                                                   the government has de-          Lopez and other protest-
                                                                                                   ployed troops in the streets    ers said they were neither
                                                                                                   to keep them from their         members of the opposition
                                                                                                   goal of reaching the presi-     nor supporters of the gov-
                                                                                                   dential palace.                 ernment, just people trying
                                                                                                   Those formal marches tend       to feed themselves.
                                                                                                   to draw middle class pro-       The government has long
                                                                                                   testers, but Thursday’s out-    counted on the poor who
                                                                                                   burst came largely from         live downtown and in the
                                                                                                   poor people who had             slums above the capital to
                                                                                                   been waiting for hours to       support the administration,
                                                                                                   buy food at subsidized          or at least stay away from
                                                                                                   prices.                         opposition marches. q

HANNAH DREIER            Caracas chanting “No

Associated Press         more talk. We want food.”

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) They got within about a

— A throng of protesters half dozen blocks of the

demanding food made palace before police in riot

a run for the Venezuelan gear headed them off and

presidential palace Thurs- began firing tear gas.

day in a rare, apparently Police pushed the crowd

spontaneous outburst of back as some demonstra-

anger at the socialist ad- tors kicked their plastic

ministration within the heart shields while more officers

of Caracas.              ran to the scene and filled

More than 100 people in the streets between the

charged down the main protesters and the palace.

thoroughfare in central Onlookers leaned out of
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