P. 13
Friday 3 June 2016
Coming In June, 2016:
Aruba Summer Music Festival Welcomes Enrique Iglesias!
ATA/PRNewswire countries,†Mrs. Ronella Tjin
ORANJESTAD - On Friday Asjoe-Croes, CEO of The
June 24th, Saturday June Aruba Tourism Authority
25th 2016 and Sunday mentioned.
June 26th the Caribbean The line-up for June 24,
island of Aruba will host the 2016 (Friday Night) will be
second annual Aruba Sum- the successful merengue/
mer Music Festival. During urban duo Chino & Nacho,
a press conference that Wisin & Nutzbeatz. For June
was held recently Latin 25, 2016 (Saturday Night)
sensations Gente De Zona, the attendees can expect
Wisin, Chino y Nacho and an out-of-this-world perfor-
Tito Nieves & Destra were mance by Enrique Iglesias,
announced as the line-up. Gente de Zona and Tito
Besides this great line-up, Nieves.
the event organizers still Attendees will have the
had a surprise performer option to choose between
to announce. On Monday multiple sections inside the
night organizers confirmed venue starting at $75 per
the popular performer En-
rique Iglesias has been ism, Transportation, Primary
added to the line-up. Sector and Culture. “This
Enrique Iglesias is a best- event continues to be an
selling Latin artist from Ma- integral part of our cov-
drid, Spain with multiple eted Aruban culture, at-
hit-songs, awards and suc- tracting more than 10,000
cessful concert tours. He local and international
is widely regarded as the guests last year.â€
Latin King of Pop and most The three-day festival on
recently his record climbed the beautiful island of Aru-
to platinum status in nine ba will be hosted at The
countries. Harbor Arena, a great lo-
“We’re excited to wel- cation in the downtown
come visitors to this year’s area with close proximity
festival, while showcasing to the captivating Carib-
popular artists on one of bean Sea. With the addi-
the largest stages in the tion of an extra day over
Caribbean,†said Otmar last year’s two-day sched-
Oduber, Minister of Tour-
ule comes a Caribbean evening.
Explosion with the Queen For more detailed informa-
of Bacchanal Destra and tion including travel pack-
five of Aruba’s popular lo- ages visit www.arubasmf.
cal bands. The venue is com,, or
completely paved which is search for Aruba Summer
ideal for dancing. Music Festival on Face-
“Aruba is honored to have book.
Enrique Iglesias visit our is- The Aruba Summer Music
land, as his performances Festival is being produced
are loved by all. We are by Loco Lobo Production,
looking forward to an ex- SD Concerts and support-
hilarating festival for all ed by The Aruba Tourism
our international visitors Authority.
that will be attending the Contact: +(297) 582-3777,
Aruba Summer Music Fes- or visit http://www.aruba.
tival from more than 20 com.q