P. 14


     LOCALFriday 3 June 2016
Loyal Visitors Honored at Casa Del Mar Beach Resort

EAGLE BEACH - Recently          and Mrs. Barbara Amond
the Aruba Tourism Author-       from Southlake, Texas. Both
ity had the great pleasure      couples are loyal mem-
of honoring two very nice       bers of the Casa Del Mar
couples who are loyal and       Beach Resort and they
friendly visitors of Aruba, at  love Aruba very much be-
the Casa Del Mar Beach          cause of the friendly peo-
Resort, as Distinguished Visi-  ple, the climate, beaches,
tors and Goodwill Ambas-        restaurants, and being on
sadors. The symbolic hon-       Aruba and staying at the
orary titles are presented in   Casa Del Mar is like being
the name of the Minister of     home for them.  The cer-
Tourism as a token of ap-       tificates were presented by
preciation to guests who        Mr. Ernest Giel representing
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and    the Aruba Tourism Author-
20-to-34 consecutive years.     ity together with Ms. Sha-
The honorees were Mr.           haira Morris and General
George and Mrs. Mrs. Irene      Manager Mr. Bob Curtis
Kormann from Blauvelt,          representing the Casa Del
New York, and Mr. Carl          Mar.q
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