P. 15

                                                                                                            Friday 3 June 2016

Sisters Renew Their Vows on the Beach on Aruba

EAGLE BEACH - Sisters Kath- er with their husbands in a del Mar at sunset, Monday  ried 34 years ago and          Deborah & Hal Gray have
leen and Deborah renewed very special joint ceremony May 30, 2016. Kathleen &      honeymooned in Aruba.          been married for 15 years
their wedding vows togeth- held on the beach at Casa John LaPointe were mar-       This journey back to Aruba     and have been coming to
                                                                                   and the ceremony held          Aruba twice-a-year for the
                                                                                   on the beach is extremely      past 16 years.
                                                                                   special for them since they    The families have longed
                                                                                   haven’t been able to re-       to be able to come to the
                                                                                   turn in 34 years, since Kath-  island together and they
                                                                                   leen underwent brain sur-      are thrilled to finally be
                                                                                   gery and suffered a stroke     here together.
                                                                                   during the surgery. After      A dinner was held at Mat-
                                                                                   an abundance of physical       thews Beachside restau-
                                                                                   therapy she has regained       rant immediately follow-
                                                                                   much mobility and was          ing the ceremony, which
                                                                                   able to make the trip. Her     was officiated by Hubert
                                                                                   sister and brother in law,     Kingsale.q
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