P. 7
Friday 3 June 2016
Applications for US Financial Front:
unemployment Feds looking to severely curb payday lendingÂ
benefits tumble
JOSH BOAK KEN SWEET age borrower takes out industry, which had largely common with people who
AP Economics Writer AP Business Writer eight loans of $375 each been left to the states to take out payday loans.
WASHINGTON (AP) — NEW YORK (AP) — Federal per year, spending $520 on regulate. “Too many borrowers seek-
Fewer Americans applied regulators proposed a sig- interest. The CFPB is proposing that ing a short-term cash fix are
for jobless aid last week, nificant clampdown on John Charette, 47, of Yar- lenders must conduct saddled with loans they
the third straight drop in payday lenders and other
a sign that the job market high interest loans on Thurs- CFPB Director Richard Cordray, center, listens to comments during a panel discussion in Rich-
remains healthy despite a day, the first nationwide at- mond, Va. The CFPB announced Thursday, June 2, 2016, they are proposing a significant clamp-
recent slowdown in hiring. tempt to address an indus- down on payday lenders and other providers of high-interest loans.
Weekly applications for un- try widely thought of as tak-
employment aid dipped ing advantage of the poor (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
1,000 to a seasonally ad- and desperate.
justed 267,000, the Labor The proposals, if enacted mouth, Maine, said the what’s known as a “full- cannot afford and sink into
Department said Thursday. intact, are likely to cause payday loan outfits can be payment test.†Because long-term debt,†CFPB Di-
The four-week average, a a nationwide contraction helpful for people like him, most payday loans are rector Richard Cordray said
less volatile measure, fell to and restructuring of the $38 who’s divorced and has required to be paid in full in a prepared statement.
276,750. billion payday loan indus- bad credit. when they come due, usu- Cordray compared the sit-
Applications are a proxy try. Consumers desperate He used RepubliCash in ally two weeks to a month uation to getting into a taxi
for layoffs, so the decline to borrow money quickly Portland to get a $250 loan after the money is bor- for a crosstown ride and
in jobless aid suggests that to cover an unexpected to update the expired reg- rowed, the CFPB wants finding oneself stuck on a
companies are confident expense might have an av- istration on his car, knowing lenders to prove that bor- “ruinously expensive†trip
enough to hold onto their enue they once used now a police citation would be rowers are able to repay across the country.
workers. closed, since mainstream even more expensive. that money without having He said the proposal would
When layoffs are low, hir- banks generally don’t pro- “It’s going to fill in the gap,†to renew the loan repeat- aim to “prevent lenders
ing is usually steady. vide these kinds of low-dol- Charette said, noting that edly. There would also be from succeeding by setting
Employers added 160,000 lar, short-term loans. he’s unable to get a credit restrictions on the number up borrowers to fail.â€
jobs in April, a slowdown Payday lending is often card. “It’s another avenue of times a borrower can re- Payday lenders would
from prior monthly job thought of as an exploi- for credit because I simply new the loan. have to give borrowers at
growth that averaged tive, deceptive industry don’t have it.†The CFPB would require least three days’ notice be-
more than 200,000. that traps desperate bor- The Consumer Financial that lenders give additional fore debiting their account.
Economists say that the rowers in cycles of debt Protection Bureau’s pro- warnings before they at- Also, if the payday lender
government jobs report that can last for months. posed regulations seek tempt to debit a borrow- attempts to collect the
being released Friday will Roughly half of all states to tackle common com- er’s bank account, and money for the loan twice
show job growth in May at ban payday lending out- plaints about the payday also restrict the number of unsuccessfully, the lender
roughly the same pace as right or have caps on how lending industry. times they can attempt to will have to get written au-
in April. much payday lenders can The proposal would also be debit the account. The aim thorization from the bor-
U.S. businesses added charge in interest, which the first nationwide regula- is to lower the frequency rower to attempt to debit
173,000 jobs last month, often carry annual rates tion of the payday lending of overdraft fees that are their account again. q
lifted by strong gains in ser- north of 300 percent. Last
vices industries, according month Google announced
to a private survey by pay- it would ban ad for payday
roll processor ADP. Appli- loans, saying the indus-
cations have been below try creates “misleading or
300,000, a historically low harmful products.â€
level, for 65 weeks, the lon- The loans are used
gest such streak since 1973. widely, partly because
The number of people many Americans do not
collecting benefits has have enough savings to
dropped 2.6 percent over cover an emergency , as
the past year to 2.17 million seen in a poll released last
people. month by The Associated
Fewer requests for jobless Press-NORC Center for Pub-
aid indicate that many em- lic Affairs Research. Rough-
ployers are relatively un- ly 12 million Americans take
troubled by the slower eco- out a payday loan each
nomic growth during the year, according to The Pew
first three months of 2016 Charitable Trusts, who has
and expect a rebound as done extensive research
the year continues.q on the industry. The aver-