Page 10 - ATD16APRIL2016
P. 10


WORLD NEWSSaturday 16 April 2016

2nd strong quake hits southern Japan; some reported trapped 

EMILY WANG                     Riot policemen examine the damage of houses collapsed by an earthquake in Mashiki, Kuma-                                 ing damage to the north-
MARI YAMAGUCHI                 moto prefecture, southern Japan.                                                                                         east. Chief Cabinet Secre-
Associated Press                                                                                                                                        tary Yoshihide Suga, in an
MASHIKI,  Japan  (AP) — A                                                                                         (Shingo Nishizume/Kyodo News via AP)  emergency news confer-
powerful earthquake with                                                                                                                                ence early Saturday, said
a preliminary magnitude of     dent, apparently rescued         Saturday’s quake shook the     ed less than an hour later.                              more than 300 calls came
7.3 struck southern  Japa-     from underneath a col-           Kumamoto region at 1:25        The agency upgraded the                                  in to the Kumamoto police
nearly Saturday, barely 24     lapsed house, on a stretch-      a.m. Saturday, and several     magnitude to 7.3 from an                                 and another 100 to police
hours after a smaller quake    er being taken to a hospital     aftershocks soon followed.     initial reading of 7.1. Com-                             in nearby Oita, seeking
hit the same region and        by ambulance.                    Japan’s  Meteorological        pared to the temblor that                                help and reporting people
killed 10 people.              Meanwhile, the Kumamoto          Agency issued an advisory      struck late Thursday night                               trapped or buried under-
It was not immediately         prefecture reported that a       for a tsunami up to 1 me-      just south of Mashiki, the                               neath debris.
clear whether the lat-         tenth person had died in         ter (3 feet) high along the    most recent quake and                                    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
est quake increased the        the 6.5 magnitude quake          coast west of the epicenter    aftershocks appeared to                                  looking tired, said dam-
death toll, but authorities    that struck late Thursday.       in Kumamoto, but it was lift-  be moving east, spread-                                  age from the magnitude
said hundreds of calls had                                                                                                                              7.3 quake could be “ex-
come in from residents re-                                                                                                                              tensive” and urged rescue
porting people trapped                                                                                                                                  workers to do their utmost
inside houses and build-                                                                                                                                to help those trapped in
ings. The Fire and Disaster                                                                                                                             the rubble.
Management Agency said                                                                                                                                  Sirens of patrol vehicles
66 people were trapped                                                                                                                                  could be heard in the
inside a nursing home in                                                                                                                                background as NHK re-
Mashiki, the hardest-hit                                                                                                                                ported from Mashiki. The
town, and rescue efforts                                                                                                                                asphalt outside the town
were underway. No other                                                                                                                                 hall had a new crack, ap-
details were immediately                                                                                                                                parently made by the lat-
available.                                                                                                                                              est earthquake. In nearby
More than 400 people                                                                                                                                    Uto City, police reported
were treated at hospitals,                                                                                                                              that the City Hall building
but most of their injuries                                                                                                                              appeared to be unsafe
were not life-threatening,                                                                                                                              because of damage.
the Japanese broadcast-                                                                                                                                 The Nuclear Regulation Au-
er NHK said, citing its own                                                                                                                             thority said no abnormali-
tally. Video showed a resi-                                                                                                                             ties were found at the Sen-
                                                                                                                                                        dai nuclear plant, where
China 2nd ranking general visits disputed islands                                                                                                       the only two of Japan’s 43
                                                                                                                                                        reactors are online. NHK
C. BODEEN                      say when and where Fan, a        does not include a stop        sand and building airstrips                              video showed stones tum-
Associated Press               vice chairman of the Cen-        in China.                      and other infrastructure.                                bled from the walls of his-
BEIJING (AP) —  Chi-           tral Military Commission         In reporting on Fan’s visit,   The Philippines, Vietnam                                 toric Kumamoto Castle,
na’s second-ranking gener-     that controls the People’s       the ministry said China had    and others also claim terri-                             and a wooden structure in
al recently visited the coun-  Liberation Army, visited.        completed work on five         tory controlled or claimed                               the complex was smashed,
try’s man-made islands         The announcement comes           lighthouses, four of which     by  China, and increased                                 adding to damage from
in the South China  Sea,       after  China  issued an an-      are now operational            military and coast guard                                 Thursday’s quake.
the Defense Ministry said      gry response to what it says     , in the Spratlys, saying      deployments by all sides                                 At the Ark Hotel, east of the
Friday, underscoring  Chi-     are provocative plans an-        those were built to “pro-      could increase the poten-                                castle, hotel guests woke
na’s defiance in the face of   nounced                          vide a public service for      tial for conflict.                                       up to strong shaking and
calls by the U.S. and others   Thursday that the U.S. would     the international commu-       Late Thursday,                                           a warning siren. Hotel staff
to cease construction work     send troops and planes to        nity.” Work on a weather       the Defense Ministry said                                told guests, including tour-
that they say is raising ten-  the Philippines for more fre-    station, ocean monitoring      that Beijing would “reso-                                ists and journalists covering
sions in the region.           quent rotations and will in-     center, oceanographic          lutely defend” its sover-                                the quake, to evacuate
According to the brief         crease joint sea and air pa-     equipment and other facili-    eignty and maritime in-                                  their rooms and gather in
statement, Gen. Fan Chan-      trols with Philippine forces in  ties was also “proceeding      terests while accusing the                               the lobby for safety.
glong led a group of military  the South China Sea.             smoothly,” the report said.    Philippines and U.S. of mili-                            Thursday’s weaker mag-
commanders to the Spratly      U.S. Defense Secretary Ash       China  claims virtually the    tarizing the region and har-                             nitude 6.5 earthquake
island group to visit troops   Carter was also visiting an      entire South  China  Sea as    boring a “Cold War men-                                  brought down buildings
and observe construction       aircraft carrier Friday dur-     its own territory and is top-  tality” by strengthening                                 and injured about 800
work. The statement didn’t     ing a trip to the region that    ping the islands by piling     their alliance.q                                         people, in addition to the
                                                                                                                                                        10 deaths. q
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