Page 13 - ATD16APRIL2016
P. 13

                                                                                                                 Saturday 16 April 2016

Amid a Bollywood-Themed Celebration:

    Aruba Marriott Resort Announces Its Associates of 2015!

PALM BEACH - The Aruba                                                                                           and Supervisor of the Year
Marriott held a Bollywood-
themed celebration for the                                                                                       winners of 2015 were: Mi-
associates, managers and
supervisors that excelled in                                                                                     lushka  Martinez-Tromp
2015. Complete with enter-
tainment, Bollywood-style                                                                                        (Housekeeping), recog-
decoration and ample
buffet options with both In-                                                                                     nized as Associate of the
dian and local dishes, the
All Star Team of 2015, As-                                                                                       Year 2015; Patricia Miran-
sociate of the Year 2015,
Supervisor of the Year 2015                                                                                      da (Human Resources),
and Manager of the Year
2015 were recognized dur-                                                                                        recognized as Supervisor
ing the event for their out-
standing performance                                                                                             of the Year 2015; and Yazi-
throughout the year.
After a wonderful dinner,                                                                                        ra Javois (Casino Market-
the executive team an-
nounced the winners of                                                                                           ing) and Luzdary Patterson
the Year 2015.
The All Star Team of 2015                                                                                        (Front Office ASC), who
winners were: Elieser Bello
(Atardi Restaurant); Mi-                                                                                         were both recognized as

                                                                                                                 Manager of the Year 2015!

                                                                                                                 The winners received a

                                                                                                                 congratulatory letter from

                                                                                                                 the Tom Calame, Complex

                                                                                                                 General Manager as well

                                                                                                                 as a plaque and a nice

                                                                                                                 prize. The Complex Gener-

                                                                                                                 al Manager, together with

                              lushka  Martinez-Tromp       neering ASC); Frank Justina  Resources); and Luzdary  the entire Executive Team
                                                           (Casino Beverage); Anaika    Patterson (Front Office
                              (Housekeeping); Marco        Lacle (Human Resources);     ASC).                    would like to once again
                                                           Patricia Miranda (Human      The Associate, Manager
                              Perez (Recreations); Doral-                                                        congratulate all nominees

                              ba Giraldo Quintero (Engi-                                                         and winners of 2015!q
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