Page 15 - ATD16APRIL2016
P. 15

                                                                                                                    Saturday 16 April 2016

British Honeymooners:                                                                      Doral, Florida Approves a Sister City
                                                                                           Agreement with Oranjestad, Aruba!
Mojitos and Steak for Louise and Rob

PAL M BEACH - Ahh, life is     Restaurant in the Arawak      loin steak and filet mignon   Doral, FL – Doral’s City      actions that will lead to a
good for honeymooners          Garden they heard their       and loved it.                 Council unanimously ap-       lasting friendship between
Louise and Rob Potter from     wedding song performed        We hope you’ll come back      proved a Sister City Agree-   the people of Oranjestad
Leeds, England.                live and they were almost     to celebrate all your an-     ment with the City of Oran-   and Doral.
They are first-timers on Aru-  a bit overcome.               niversaries with us on this   jestad, Aruba on April 13th.  The signing ceremony will
ba and enjoy every minute      Mojitos are Rob and Lou-      fantastic island, Louise and  A Sister Cities signing cer-  take place in the Doral
of their time as the new Mrs.  ise’s preferred drink: a      Rob, and many congratu-       emony and reception will      Council Chambers with
and Mr. Potter.                good choice, as it makes      lations on your wedding.      take place on May 6th,        Mayor Luigi Boria sign-
When they were at Tango        you happy.                    Pabien! q                     from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the  ing for Doral. M.G. “Mike”
Argentine                      For dinner they ordered sir-                                Doral Government Center.      Eman, Prime Minister of
                                                                                           Sister City agreements en-    Aruba, is scheduled to sign
                                                                                           courage active coopera-       on behalf of Oranjestad.
                                                                                           tion between municipali-      The signing ceremony will
                                                                                           ties and seek to stimulate    be followed by a recep-
                                                                                           bilateral trade.              tion in the Doral Govern-
                                                                                           They invite citizens of both  ment Center Lobby and
                                                                                           cities to engage in mutual-   will include live music by
                                                                                           ly beneficial cultural, edu-  renowned Aruban pianist
                                                                                           cational and business inter-  Johnny Scharbaay.q
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