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UP FRONTSaturday 16 April 2016

US: North Korean missile launch a ‘catastrophic’ failure 

FOSTER KLUG                        thorities, Yonhap reported.       Korea calls a rehearsal for      nuclear and missile success                                    Council Resolutions, which
HYUNG-JIN KIM                      U.S. Defense Secretary Ash        an invasion. The North has       as a way to turn domestic                                      explicitly prohibit North Ko-
Associated Press                   Carter, speaking to report-       recently fired a slew of mis-    focus toward tackling the                                      rea’s use of ballistic missile
SEOUL, South Korea (AP)            ers during a stop on the USS      siles and artillery shells into  country’s abysmal econo-                                       technology,” the official
— A North Korea missile            John C. Stennis aircraft car-     the sea in an apparent pro-      my.                                                            said.
launch meant to celebrate          rier in the South China Sea,      test against the drills.         A senior U.S. defense offi-                                    White House Press Secre-
the birthday of the coun-          said that while the U.S.          The surge in belligerent         cial, speaking on condition                                    tary Josh Earnest said in a
try’s founder ended in fail-                                                                                                                                         statement that said the U.S.
ure, U.S. defense officials        South Korean conservatives activist shout slogans with national flags as police block the conser-                                 is “strongly committed” to
said Friday, an embarrass-         vative activists attempting to release balloons with leaflets during a rally at the border city with                              the defense of its Asian al-
ing setback in what was re-        North Korea, in Paju, South Korea, Friday, April 15, 2016. A North Korean launch of a missile on the                              lies, particularly South Ko-
portedly the inaugural test        birthday of its revered founder appears to have failed, South Korean and U.S. defense officials said                              rea and Japan.
of a new, powerful mid-            Friday.                                                                                                                           “We’re going to continue
range missile.                                                                                                                                                       to stand with them as they
“It was a fiery, catastrophic                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)  face these threats but also
attempt at a launch that                                                                                                                                             reiterate our commitment
was unsuccessful,” said            deemed the launch to be           rhetoric and nuclear and         of anonymity because the                                       to the defense of our al-
Capt. Jeff Davis, a Penta-         unsuccessful, it “was none-       missile activity in the North    official wasn’t authorized to                                  lies,” Earnest said.
gon spokesman. He said             theless another provoca-          may also be linked to lead-      comment publicly, said the                                     The North American Aero-
U.S. officials are still assess-   tion by North Korea in a          er Kim Jong Un’s prepa-          U.S. Strategic Command                                         space Defense Command
ing, but it was likely a road-     region that doesn’t need          rations for a major ruling       systems have detected                                          said the missile launched
mobile missile, given that         that kind of behavior.”           party meeting next month         and tracked what officials                                     from North Korea did not
it was launched from a lo-         The launch comes as the           that analysts believe he will    assessed as a failed North                                     pose a threat to North
cation not usually used for        two Koreas trade threats          use to further solidify his au-  Korean missile launch.                                         America. The South’s De-
ballistic missile launches, on     amid Pyongyang’s anger            tocratic rule. Some believe      “We strongly condemn                                           fense Ministry said it wasn’t
the country’s east coast.          over annual South Korean-         that Kim may try to use the      North Korea’s missile test                                     immediately known wheth-
South Korea’s Yonhap               U.S. military drills that North   country’s claims of recent       in violation of U.N. Security                                  er the missile fired from an
news agency carried an                                                                                                                                               eastern costal area Friday
unsourced report that a                                                                                                                                              morning was a short-range
“Musudan” missile, which                                                                                                                                             or mid-range missile.
could one day be capable                                                                                                                                             The North’s launch came
of reaching far-off U.S. mili-                                                                                                                                       amid speculation in the
tary bases in Asia and the                                                                                                                                           South that its rival was pre-
Pacific, exploded in the air                                                                                                                                         paring to test a medium-
a few seconds after liftoff.                                                                                                                                         range missile with a range
A U.S. official speaking on                                                                                                                                          of 3,500 kilometers (2,180
condition of anonymity to                                                                                                                                            miles) — enough to reach
discuss intelligence matters                                                                                                                                         U.S. military installments in
told The Associated Press                                                                                                                                            Japan and Guam. Foreign
that it appeared to be a                                                                                                                                             experts have nicknamed
Musudan missile but no                                                                                                                                               the missile “Musudan” after
definitive conclusion had                                                                                                                                            the village in the northeast
been reached.                                                                                                                                                        where North Korea has a
Despite the failure, the                                                                                                                                             launchpad.
North has another Musu-                                                                                                                                              North Korea has never
dan loaded on a mobile                                                                                                                                               flight-tested a Musudan,
launcher and Pyongyang                                                                                                                                               though it unveiled the mis-
will likely fire it, according to                                                                                                                                    sile during a 2010 military
South Korean and U.S. au-                                                                                                                                            parade. q

Iran official accuses US, EU of not honoring nuclear deal 

MARIA DANILOVA                     for billions of dollars in sanc-  ners) have not honored           porters.                                                       say they haven’t benefited
Associated Press                   tions relief.                     their obligations.”              Earnest said that the agree-                                   to the extent envisioned
WASHINGTON (AP) — A                The head of Iran’s central        He urged Washington to           ment does not involve giv-                                     under the deal because of
top Iranian official on Fri-       bank, Valiollah Seif, said        do more to encourage in-         ing Iran access to the U.S.                                    other U.S. measures linked
day accused the U.S. and           in a speech Friday that           ternational banks to do          financial system and that                                      to human rights, terrorism
the European Union of fail-        Iran’s counterparts have          business with Iran and ease      such a move is not being                                       and missile development
ing to honor last year’s nu-       not lived up to their com-        Iran’s access to U.S. finan-     contemplated.                                                  concerns.
clear deal by keeping Iran         mitments and that “almost         cial institutions. Otherwise,    State Department spokes-                                       The Obama administration
locked out of the interna-         nothing” has been done as         he said, the deal “breaks        man John Kirby said the                                        has been toying with the
tional financial system.           part of the deal.                 up on its own terms.” He did     U.S. already has fulfilled its                                 idea of easing financial re-
The White House insisted           “In general, we are not           not elaborate.                   part of the nuclear deal.                                      strictions that prevent U.S.
Washington is committed            able to use our frozen funds      White House press secre-         “There is no need to do                                        dollars from being used in
to fulfilling its part of the ac-  abroad,” Seif said at the         tary Josh Earnest insisted       more, when we have met                                         transactions that enable
cord and said Tehran wants         Council on Foreign Rela-          Friday that Western nations      all of our commitments,”                                       business with Iran, but it is
concessions that weren’t           tions through a translator.       are doing their part. “The       Kirby told reporters later in                                  facing fierce resistance
part of the deal.                  Seif was in Washington to         United States, along with        the day. The nuclear pact                                      from lawmakers who be-
The historic accord took           attend the spring meetings        the rest of the international    provided Iran sanctions re-                                    lieve that Tehran would
effect in January and en-          of the International Mon-         community, is committed          lief for curtailing programs                                   be getting more than it
visions Iran curtailing its nu-    etary Fund and the World          to living up to our end of       that could lead to nuclear                                     deserves from the nuclear
clear program in exchange          Bank. “They (Iran’s part-         the bargain,” he told re-        weapons. But the Iranians                                      accord.q
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