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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Trump Details Fundraising For Vets in Fiery Presser

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump answers questions during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

                                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

J. LEMIRE                      held in January.               sumptive Republican presi-     how much was raised.              the media as “unbeliev-
J. COLVIN                      Phone calls to all 41 of the   dential nominee, told re-      “The money’s all been             ably dishonest” for its treat-
Associated Press               groups by The Associated       porters at a testy news con-   sent,” Trump said at the          ment of the issue and dis-
NEW YORK (AP) — Under          Press brought more than        ference in New York that       news conference at Trump          missed an ABC reporter as
pressure to account for        two-dozen responses Tues-      the fundraiser, held at the    Tower on Tuesday.                 “a sleaze.”
money he claimed to raise      day. About half reported       same time as a Fox News        He repeatedly criticized          He said many times that he
for veterans, an irritated     checks from Trump within       GOP debate he was boy-         the press for making the          didn’t want credit for the
Donald Trump lambasted         the past week, typically       cotting, raised $5.6 million.  money an issue, say-              fundraising but seemed
the news media Tuesday         dated May 24, the day The      He previously had declined     ing reporters “should be          peeved that he wasn’t
for pressing the issue and     Washington Post published      to disclose which charities    ashamed of themselves”            thanked for it.
listed charities he said have  a story questioning whether    had received the funds,        for asking where the mon-
now received millions of       he had distributed all of the  and his campaign has           ey had gone. Throughout                 Continued on Page 3
dollars from a fundraiser he   money. bTrump, the pre-        gone back and forth about      the event, Trump slammed
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