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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Friday, April 29, 2016

Vice President Joe Biden steps off a C-17 military transport plane upon his arrival in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, April 28, 2016. Biden arrived in Baghdad on a visit
intended to help Iraqi leaders resolve a political crisis that has hindered efforts to defeat the Islamic State group.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Josh Lederman)

   Biden Presses Iraq to Not Let Political Chaos Upend Gains 

JOSH LEDERMAN                   the country that’s come          tem descended into tur-       Cabinet and touted prog-         Still, the anxious undertones
Associated Press                to symbolize America’s           moil, hindering U.S.-led ef-  ress wresting back territory     of Biden’s brief visit were
BAGHDAD (AP) — Vice             relentless struggles in the      forts to defeat extremists    from IS. “It’s real, it’s seri-  clear from the moment
President Joe Biden pressed     Middle East. Biden slipped       who control parts of both     ous, and it’s committed,”        he stepped off a military
Iraq on Thursday not to let     into Baghdad on an unan-         Iraq and Syria. Sitting down  Biden said as he met with        transport plane into blister-
its crippling political crisis  nounced trip, his first to Iraq  with Iraq’s beleaguered       Parliament Speaker Salim         ing heat after an overnight
upend hard-fought gains         in nearly five years. Officials  leaders, he praised them      al-Jabouri, a Sunni politi-      flight from Washington.
against the Islamic State       said the stop was planned        for working “very, very       cian facing calls from his
group as he returned to         before Iraq’s political sys-     hard” to construct a new      colleagues to resign.                   Continued on Page 3
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