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August 14, 2017 @7 Club Lounge Bar
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044 opening weekend
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Charlottesville’s Web
Brenda Diaz-Castro, holds a sign during a candlelight vigil on Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017, in Harrisonburg, Va. The vigil was held for the victims of the violence in Charlot-
tesville, Va., on Saturday.
Associated Press
Protests, vigils around U.S. decry white supremacist rally
By JENNIFER PELTZ and PHU- to counteract the white ies. In Seattle, police made condemn. Other demon- other gatherings aimed to
ONG LE, supremacist rally that spi- arrests and confiscated strations were pushing for denounce fascism and a
Associated Press raled into deadly violence weapons as Trump support- the removal of Confed- presidential administration
SEATTLE (AP) — Protesters in Virginia. The gatherings ers and counter-protesters erate monuments, the is- that organizers feel has let
decrying hatred and rac- spanned from a march to converged downtown. sue that initially prompted white supremacists feel
ism converged around the President Donald Trump’s Some focused on show- white nationalists to gather empowered.
country on Sunday, say- home in New York to can- ing support for the people in anger this weekend in Continued on Page 3
ing they felt compelled dlelight vigils in several cit- whom white supremacists Charlottesville, Virginia. Still