Page 16 - Oblock Program of Studies 2020- 2021
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Class Tardiness:
If a student is tardy to class they will be expected to enter with a late pass from either the front office, administrator, teacher or the nurse. If a student arrives without a pass the discipline matrix will be followed.
School Tardiness:
Students not in their first period class when the 8:10 bell rings will be considered tardy. Any student entering the building after 8:10 a.m. must be signed in by a parent or guardian. Excused tardies include: ​doctor's excuse, illness, religious reasons, and car problems.​
Under the district’s revised Attendance Policy, ​students who arrive after 11:33 a.m. will be considered absent for the day.​ Students are required to be in attendance for 203 minutes to be counted as present.
Students will not be called to the office for personal phone calls; in case of emergencies, the message will be relayed to the student. Student use of the school telephone will be permissible for educational or health related reasons only.
A soft drink vending machine will be available to students after 3:00 p.m. It is recommended that soft drinks be consumed in the immediate area of the vending machine. They are not permitted in any classrooms in the building.
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        District Information
 CONFIDENTIALITY:​ ​Board Policy 216
In order to insure the rights and privacy of both parents and students, Plum Borough School District's policy has incorporated provisions from the Regulations of the State Board of Education of Pupil Records adopted July 12, 1974, and amended July 15, 1977; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974; the Confidentiality Section of P.L. 94-142; and the Confidentiality Standards for Special Education, Pennsylvania School Code, Title 22, Chapter 341.
The district's policy on student records which is in compliance with the Pennsylvania State Board of Education's regulations and with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 guarantees the following rights to parents:
1) To review, inspect and obtain a copy of the educational records.
2) To challenge the content of the records.
3) To file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Office, Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201.
If you wish to examine the records, contact the principal or school counselor.
In order for the school administration to perform the fundamental duty of operating this school as an educational institution, the administration retains the right to inspect on a regular basis student lockers for tobacco, illegal drugs and alcohol. This right extends to inspecting vehicles parked on the school grounds. The Plum Borough School District retains jurisdiction, control and access over all student lockers and maintains a confidential file of all lockers and the combinations thereof.
The Plum Borough School District also reserves the right to have trained narcotic dogs sniff student lockers and all cars parked on the school district property regularly and at any time, whether the student is present or not, for tobacco, illegal drugs and alcohol. If, as a result of a canine sniff of a locker or car, Plum Borough School District has reasonable cause to suspect the presence of tobacco, illegal drugs or alcohol, the locker or car in question may be searched for the same.
Exceptionally Prepared for Success
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