Page 2 - LaptopsAnytime "How it Works" Flipbook
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Think Beyond the Desktop
With locations worldwide, LaptopsAnytime now has successfully installed kiosks in 26 states and on 4 continents. Our experience dates back to 2004, when our Co-founder, Matt Buscher, built and installed the  rst laptop and tablet checkout kiosk in the San Francisco International Airport. From there, we developed the design of our current kiosk speci cally for facilities looking to move Beyond Desktops for shared access.
Annually, our kiosks serve more than a million users worldwide, and since the invention of the  at screen monitor, we are quickly becoming the most talked about innovative enhancement for university computer labs and public libraries.
We believe the time has come to move beyond desktops into a more mobile environment. However, this movement away from the space and power hungry desktop is not easily done... except through automation!
Manual device checkout programs too often end up to be a support nightmare and morale killer. Don’t make the mistake of overburdening your circulation and support sta . In fact, our best customers are those that have operated manual programs because they know long hours, long lines, and ine ciency are a burden on the whole sta .
Many questions will arise when choosing the right type and number of devices for your kiosk. “How many laptops and/ or tablets should I start with?,”“Should I keep a few desktops or is the laptop to be a complete desktop replacement?,” and “What’s the best furniture to take advan- tageofthisenormousnewopenarea?”
With our years of experience and inno- vative kiosk designs, we will be there to answer these questions and more as we support your transition to moving beyond the desktop.
How many checkouts will you do?

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