Page 150 - WhyAsInY
P. 150
Why (as in yaverbaum)
• There was a junior counselor from Forest Hills who was always seated on the back steps of his bunk, playing his guitar. He was rumored to have been either Tom or Jerry, the singers of the rock ’n’ roll hit “Hey, Schoolgirl,” but I knew him only as Paul Simon.
• After lights-out one night, Eddie Ornstein, my favorite counselor of all time, gave me my first cigarette to smoke, a Viceroy, by placing it in my mouth already lit. I was thirteen. It made me feel special, and it made me cough.
• Thirty-five years or so after I went to Starlight, my wife, Kathy, and I visited her older son, Dan, whom we sent to camp there because he wanted to be with some of the friends he had left behind in Great Neck when Kathy and I moved to Scarsdale. Except for the addition of some bunks, it had not changed much.
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