Page 156 - WhyAsInY
P. 156

Why (as in yaverbaum)
building and the combined freshman and sophomore classes at the Annex would select a theme involving a simple plot. For example, our sophomore theme was ultimately about a high school in Japan that sent representatives to Midwood to learn how to run a cool school. Theme in hand, the class would take the stage at the Brooklyn Academy of Music with as large a Greek-style chorus as could be mustered, some speaking parts, and musical accompaniment. The job of the Lyric Committee was to choose the theme, write the script, and supply, guess what, lyrics for satirical songs or songs that otherwise advanced the plot, all of which were set to existing melodies.
Bella Tilles, the music teacher who was an advisor to all of the teams, finally suggested the premise/theme to us (imposed the premise on us?). She also suggested some of the music. By the time that this occurred, however, the days remaining in which to produce the songs and teach the music to the chorus were few, and it had become evident that attempting to write lyrics speedily in a large meeting was not going to be terribly productive. Perhaps because I had shown some wit as I had gotten more comfortable in the group, someone suggested that I try my hand at song writing and then submit material for consideration at the next meeting.
It turned out that people thought that I had a talent for putting words to music, and I ended up being the lyricist for most of the songs (not just then but in junior year as well). This earned me a great deal of gratitude and exposure. Not only that but as some kind of reward, I received an actual speaking part in the Sing, playing the Mayor of the City of Midwood. (The Midwood student government was organized to mirror that of New York City’s government at the time. There was a Board of Estimate, which consisted of the Mayor, the Comptroller, and the Executive Secretary, each of whom was elected in a school-wide election; the president and vice president of each grade, and the presi- dents of the A.M. Council and the P.M. Council. There was an A.M. Council and a P.M. Council because the overcrowded school met in two sessions, beginning at 8:30 for some and at 1:00 for others.)
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