Page 221 - WhyAsInY
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Chapter Sixteen
Toward a Unified Field Theory
Struggling to Overcome the
Old Criticism and Illogical Negativism; and Just Plain Struggling
In which our author actually goes to school and learns a few things about himself.
And—oh, by the way—college was not just for meeting people, singing songs, playing hall hockey, and drinking beer. There was a formal part to the education as well, and, as I stated in the preceding chapter, it had a lot to do with unifying the class. It also had a lot to do with changing my mind—not changing my mind as in forcing me to come to a different conclusion but changing my mind as in actually changing my mind.
I feel constrained to say at the outset—to get it out of the way so that I can focus on what was really important during the freshman year: the education itself—that my grades turned out to be pretty good. The biggest fight that I had with my father in years, however, was when I delivered that news to him but, on principle, refused to show him the actual numbers. His position, which ultimately prevailed, was that he
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