Page 335 - WhyAsInY
P. 335

Chapter Twenty-One
Get a Job
In which our author, realizing that it is one thing to be responsible for the expenditure of vast amounts of money but quite another to earn some, proceeds to do something about it and gets lucky.
A Rewarding Experience
The yellow and white bouquet having been tossed up and back to a gig- gling gaggle of young ladies who did their best to secure it without being perceived as trying hard to do so, a coach of gold (actually, Char- lie’s car) transported us to our beautiful suite at the Plaza Hotel for the next mandatory step on the path to a fruitful Jewish marriage: the rit- ual-laden opening of the treasure trove. Therefore, in keeping with tradition, it was important first to fantasize, then to spread it all out on the bed, to proceed slowly, to build the tension and pleasure gradually, to relish and delight in each increment, to be thankful for each moment, and to be understanding and charitable if the gift seemed small in pro- portion to one’s preconception, and, finally, not to act disappointed: for, if something seems to be missing, one should realize that it might come in the future.
Accordingly, we opened only one envelope at a time, slowly and lovingly took note of the names of the donors and the amounts, placed
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