Page 472 - WhyAsInY
P. 472
Why (as in yaverbaum)
strange message, one that needs a bit of context: I had always felt that my parents never went anywhere (other than once on a storied trip to Europe), mostly, I thought, because my mother was loath to travel. (As noted above, she was partial to her own toilet seat; even if she had to stay someplace overnight, she would take her own pillow.) I knew that my dad loved to play golf, and I thought that two stumbling blocks on the way to possible adventure were their reluctance to go through the pro- cess of accepting change, albeit temporary change, and the process of making choices and arrangements. So, shortly after my mom’s sixty-fifth birthday and a few months before my dad’s seventieth, Phyllis and I (when we were still together) had presented them with a certificate for a trip to Bermuda (a copy of which is below and on the next page).
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