Page 658 - WhyAsInY
P. 658

Why (as in yaverbaum)
Somehow, I managed to marry my teaching workload to my role as a practitioner, first at Squire for a year (which was easy) but also for the next twelve years, during which I was at Rosenman. I know that, being me, I complained and complained plenty about, among other things, the students, the work entailed in building and conducting courses, the for- the-most-part unrewarding experience of plowing through the endless piles of examinations (even those that generated the fabulous ten-dollar bonuses) in search of the four or five genuinely good ones, the (to me) nonsensical requirement of complying with the curve and then having to demonstrate compliance to the registrar, and the nonstop flood of e-mails. But the interaction with the students energized me, and for fif- teen years, even after I retired from practice, I kept coming back for more. That’s because I must have loved it. And my efforts were truly rewarded by the fine performances of students of mine whom I hired to be associates at Rosenman, and by the very nice “thank-you” e-mails that I received over the years from former students, long after they had graduated and put to work some of what I had taught them.
I know that the RTC still holds a place in my heart; so too does Brooklyn Law School (with the exception of—did I mention it?—finals).
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