Page 86 - WhyAsInY
P. 86

Why (as in yaverbaum)
quarters resulted from collections that he made for the vending machine company that employed him. On the other hand, I learned even later that Oscar Levy was also an inspector for the New York City Building Department and probably would have preferred that job to the job of being a doctor, even though it didn’t deliver him to East 23rd Street.
By moving to East 23rd Street, we got away from all of the hustle and bustle of M and Ocean, but the move did have one downside: my mother claimed that she could not sleep for weeks because of the silence that reigned there.
Whether it was 1771 Ocean Avenue or 975 East 23rd Street, how- ever, as far as I was concerned while I was “growing up,” I lived in the best house on the best street in the best borough of the best city in the best country in the world.
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