Page 17 - 2020 ARCS Oregon Scholars
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Novella Bates
The Harold Schnitzer Schnitzer Scholar Given by Arlene Schnitzer Schnitzer OHSU School of Medicine Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Novella is is is engineering novel biomaterials to treat cardiovascular disease and studying mechanisms of material failure nd Daniel Bejan
The Silver Silver Endowed Scholar Given by Barbara & Philip Silver Silver OHSU School of Medicine Program
in in Molecular and Cellular Bioscience
Danny is synthesizing chemical probes to understand the the the role of ADP-ribosylation on on on cell function as a a a a a a a a strategy for potential therapeutic development Sylvie Bindas
The Swindells/OHSU Endowment Given by Susie & George Swindells Swindells OHSU School of Medicine Behavioral Neuroscience Sylvie studies the brain systems that govern how we learn from rewards in in in uncertain environments Christine Breckenridge
The Emmerson/OSU Endowment Given by Ann & Ron Emmerson Emmerson OSU College of Engineering Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering & Computer Science Christine is is working to to improve security for autonomous vehicles by identifying the the the most damaging malicious attacks which could compromise the the the safety of the the the vehicle vehicle 17

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