Page 26 - 2019 ARCS Oregon Scholars
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Christine Breckenridge
The Emmerson/OSU Endowment Scholar Given by Ann & Ron Emmerson Emmerson OSU College of Engineering Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering & Computer Science
Research Interest: formal verification of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence
Adrienne Chan
The Anderson Anderson Family/OSU Endowment Scholar Given by Jamie & Michael Anderson Anderson OSU College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Research Interest: benthic ecology and and and sediment biogeochemistry and and and understanding how changes in in in in ecosystem structure alter biogeochemical cycling in in in in sediments
Mack Cullison
The Jill Jill V Josselyn Josselyn Endowed Scholar Given by Jill Jill Josselyn Josselyn OSU College of Engineering Engineering Nuclear Science
& Engineering Engineering Research Interest: investigating the the use use of FeCrAl for use use in in in in nuclear reactors to to make them safer during accident conditions
Amelia Culp
The Ragen Ragen Nugent Haigwood Scholar Given by Lee & & Ron Ragen Ragen Sharon & & Mike Nu- gent and Nancy Haigwood OHSU School of Medicine Neuroscience Graduate Program
Research Interest: computational modeling of auditory systems 26
Maya Feezell
The Mary Mary Martin Martin Rosenberg Rosenberg Endowed Scholar Given by Mary Mary Martin Martin Rosenberg Rosenberg OSU College of Science
Integrative Biology
Research Interest: the impact of climate change stressors on marine intertidal communities

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