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 a few. If the goal becomes getting to the hinish line so that everyone (Everyone? How many people are we having sex with?) can roll over and fall asleep then what is being communicated is that your partner is an appliance, an instrument whose notes can only play a hlat and familiar melody. When relationships become complacent, partners no longer spontaneously enjoy sex. Often one partner has to convince the other that it might feel good if you can tolerate it long enough. For some it becomes so tedious that it might be more appealing to avoid it altogether.
Renewing newness can take you back to a time when sex was a compliment to who your partner thinks you are as a person. I am sure you will not be shocked to hear me say that having sex with intention is great sex. When dedicating yourself to your partner’s pleasure is a priority that means your intention is that you want more than anything else to make them feel energized, loved, cherished (even worshipped). After that together you can become exhausted and collapse for a nice nap. Or you can make each other a grilled cheese sandwich and then nap.
So play in bed and play with intention. Play Games
Not the kind of games that make your partner say, “Don’t play games with me now.” People in early love play games. That’s because in the beginning, partners actually tolerate each other’s company. Often, they crave each other’s company. They look for reasons to spend
Staying in Love: Secret Recipes For Making Love Last 156

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