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 Lose Ten Pounds Together
These next two go together. Coach one another through a ten pound weight loss. If you don’t need to lose ten pounds (who doesn’t) skip right to the next one and then come back here. Research food choices and exercise plans. Support one another. Cheer for one another. Congratulate both success and effort.
Cook for One Another
You already know how important food is to me. Passed down from my Italian heritage is the notion that cooking for someone is a way of showing love. It’s a very high form of love because feeding someone feeds their belly and their spirit. Don’t try to tell me “I can’t cook.” You can cook if you intend to learn how and if you dedicate yourself to it. If you are really hopeless, then don’t cook, but “almost cook.” Learn how to heat something up. Anyone can bake those sugar cookies that come in a tube and decorate them with corny sayings or hearts. Making spaghetti is as simple as boiling water and making a simple pasta sauce.
By the way, pasta sauce has these ingredients: crushed tomato, garlic, basil, salt, pepper.
Do this:
Start with the garlic (whole cloves, two cloves for every person you are cooking for, less if you are insane enough to not like garlic). Cook it
Staying in Love: Secret Recipes For Making Love Last 160

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