Page 19 - SILFlip
P. 19

 Consider this dialog:
Can you clean your plate after you are done with dinner? I am not a waitress.
How come in the beginning of our relationship you would always take my plate?
Because I was hoping that you would eventually respect me enough to do it yourself.
I respect you.
Actually you don’t.
Why do you say that?
Because at times you are inconsiderate and entitled.
And you are a real bitch sometimes and I keep my mouth shut because I don’t want to turn it into what is happening right now!
What is happening right now? You are calling me a bitch because you are too fucking lazy to walk ten steps to put your plate in the sink? I can’t believe you just called me a bitch. Do you tell that to people behind my back?
Why would I do that?
Staying in Love: Secret Recipes For Making Love Last 19

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