Page 36 - SILFlip
P. 36

 It takes work to watch that horrible television show that your partner likes but you hate. It takes work to give up the last French fry and make believe you never wanted it in the hirst place. It takes work to ignore bad habits, quirks and peccadillos — but it doesn’t feel like work in the beginning. In the beginning you insist on giving up that French fry. You feign offense if your partner will not accept that French fry as a token of your adoration. You hate that French fry so your partner can love it. You lie about being on a French fry free diet even though you just ate forty of them. And your partner in their own benehicent gesture of love comes up with a perfect solution:
“I have an idea...Let’s split it!”
Split...a...French...fry?! Are you serious? Who splits a French fry? People in love split a French fry but only in the beginning. When a relationship passes the turning point, the conversation changes:
“You ate the last French fry? I really wanted that French fry. You ate most of them anyway. Why couldn’t you share?”
This is a conversation an “old couple” might have even if you were in a restaurant that is full of other French fries that you could order to redeem yourself or just to shut your partner up. But instead...
“I promise I won’t eat the last French fry next time.”
“What are you talking about? You ALWAYS eat the last French fry.” Staying in Love: Secret Recipes For Making Love Last 36

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