Page 25 - 2024 April report
P. 25
a. 2024 Grant Distribution Plan
The 2024 Grant Distribution Plan and 5-year projections had been circulated. The Estimated Distribution Requirement of $9,520,912 is approximately $1 million less than 2023’s distribution. Tommy explained that the EDR is likely to increase slightly, possibly around 2 percent, over the next several months as the asset valuations from the prior year continue to come in. Including the grants under consideration in today’s meeting, the commitment for 2024 stands at $49,248 above the requirement.
b. 5-year grant projections
The projections show that between 2025 and 2027, the uncommitted funds start to climb substantially as current multiyear grants are completed and the impact is felt from recent market gains. The target distribution numbers for the 3 focus areas were discussed. In recent years, the Disability area has been under target. It was noted that all four grants being considered today are in the Disability category.
The Committee approved the 2024 Grant Distribution Plan and the 5-Year Projections as presented.
Tommy’s financial summaries that were included with the grant applications for this meeting generated several positive comments. The goal of the summaries is to give Committee members an overview of the grantees’ financial standing.
Discovery Project update
A list of 12 recommendations from the Discovery Associates had been circulated. It was noted that the project’s success ultimately will be measured not only by the number of new grantees produced but also by the contacts and expertise the Associates have brought to JSF. A question was asked about 2 of the recommendations, Project Search and the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities. Both programs deal with college attendance for students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), which was addressed in December’s Board Retreat. However, the Mission Statement and the Vision language from the Retreat have not yet been finalized. Also, the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities, which is based at the University of Central Florida, gives students a college experience but does not award a degree.
8. Continuing Education
The following list of 3 possible Continuing Education topics and dates for 2024 had been circulated: Self-Dealing on June 25th, Minimum Grant Distribution on July 23rd, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities on August 27th. These topics were suggested by staff, who are recommending that an outside attorney lead the session on Self-Dealing. The sessions will be held virtually and recorded. A suggestion was made to discuss Neurodiversity as a separate topic from IDD, or potentially instead of IDD. Also, it was suggested that calendar invitations be sent by email for the Continuing Education dates as soon as possible.
9. Communications and Social Media
The March marketing and communications report had been circulated. Hannah shared key updates on JSF’s communications and marketing efforts between December 2023 and early March 2024. Highlights included:
• Sharing results and learnings of a second LinkedIn ad campaign to garner additional followers • New images on select JSF web pages to better showcase grantees and brand authenticity
• Key digital metrics (including a closer look at LinkedIn and Facebook follower demographics)
• Updates on the 2023 Annual Report
Education / A Powerful force for change Page 23