Page 32 - 2024 April report
P. 32

March 19, 2024
Members Present:
Member Present virtually: Others Present:
Other Present virtually:
Malcolm Macleod, Angelique Albert, Bea Awoniyi, Sherry Salway Black, David Blaikie,
William Corwin, Robert Krause (non-voting)
Mike Miller
Richard Krause, I. King Jordan, Jr., Thomas Pence, Sharon Wood Lowell Weiss
Malcolm chaired the meeting.
1. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the September 12, 2023 and December 2, 2023 meetings had been circulated.
In the September 12, 2023 Minutes under Item 3.D. the third paragraph was corrected to show the next Board and CEO evaluations will be in December 2028, not 2027. Also, the resolution was for the Board and CEO evaluations to be held every four years, not three years. The September 12, 2023 Minutes were approved as corrected.
There were no corrections to the December 2, 2023 Minutes. The December 2, 2023 Minutes were approved as presented.
2. Business Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising from the Minutes.
Organizational Matters A. December 2023 Retreat
1) Report
Lowell’s Summary of the December Board Retreat had been circulated. The Summary included (on page 2) the following Board Decisions:
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The board decided to narrow the foundation’s mission in these ways:
΃ No additional investments in economic development in Indian Country unless there is a clear tie to putting students on a pathway to earning a college degree.
΃ No additional investments in programs focused on employment.
΃ JSF’s most important success indicator is student completion of undergraduate degrees (AA/ AS, BA/BS).
The board determined that disability programs serving any sub-population are in scope as long as they are focused on the long-term goal of preparing individuals to succeed in higher education.
The board decided to make no changes to the definition/scope of the disadvantaged target population.
The board does not need to see JSF align all three of its program strategies. They were not discouraging alignment per se. They simply did not see the need aligning the strategies at this time.
The board encouraged Bobby to do what he can to identify high-risk, high-reward grant opportunities (“marlins”). The board asked the staff to include language on JSF’s website to signal its interest in seeing innovative, high-risk proposals.
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April Report

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