Page 6 - 2020 October Report
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 October Report 2022
Program Notes
• Distributions as of October 15: $3,100,000
• Palm Beach Atlantic University
Sharon and Lady attended the 5th annual Johnson Scholarship Day event at Palm Beach Atlantic, which featured testimonials from 3 current Johnson Scholars and a student musical performance. A student also led the closing prayer. President Debra Schwinn, members of the University’s senior administration, and several faculty and staff members also were in attendance. An article about the event is available at this link: news/news-2022/johnson-scholarships-enable-students-to- pursue-big-dreams.html
• Distributions as of October 15: $ 918,371
• Entrepreneurship Scholarships
The annual meeting was held in Scottsdale with all but one of the schools attending. A meeting of just the endowment schools and organizations was held immediately after the main meeting. Look for reports on both of these meetings next month.
• Grant Agreements
Agreements with the 2 Martin Family Initiative programs and with Institute of American Indian Arts have been drafted and are in the review process.
• Site visits
Bobby and Rick were busy before the annual meeting in Scottsdale visiting schools. Look for those reports in the November Monthly Report.
• Distributions as of October 15: $1,873664
• Bridges From School to Work
Attached is the press release from Bridges celebrating the partnership with the Johnson Scholarship Foundation.
• Grant Agreements
Agreements with Boys Hope Girls Hope, Groves Learning and VIA have been executed.
• Thank you grants
Weingarten Children’s Center requested that this be for general operating expenses. That grant agreement has been fully executed and funded.
We are awaiting confirmation from Sonoma State University on how they would like these funds to be directed.

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