Page 41 - 2024 May report
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GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY FINAL REPORT (10) A current student who was also interested in graduate school shared:
I decided to embark on an honors undergraduate thesis. So right now...I’m preparing for the IRB and writing my own study. ...And then I’m actually studying abroad in the summer. For the first time ever, I’m going to be out of the United States.
None of these graduates and students indicated that career services had played a role in securing these internships or experiences. Instead, participants described leveraging their own connections with mentors, faculty, student organizations, or other personal connections.
In addition to taking actions, graduates and students also described making strategic decisions, such as deciding on their majors, what internships to pursue, etc. In doing so, they considered factors such their personal interests, strengths and abilities, and finances. For example, a current student explained the factors they were considering as they decided on a major, saying:
I need to find a degree where I [can] successfully [obtain] a decent paying career to sustain myself, and eventually my parents, down the road. And the third factor that I have to consider is, am I going to enjoy the degree? ...But I realized that it’s not about the degree at all. It’s about what you do. ...How am I going to be able to experience the rest of my university time, effectively is probably going to determine what degree I take.
Another current student described how they adapted within their major after an injury changed their ability to complete fieldwork. They said:
I was doing a lot of fieldwork before. But when I [was injured], I can’t really get into these environments like marshlands, wetlands, etc. So I’m using drones to go out and get footage and information and data. ... I taught myself how to use a drone. Now I’m bringing [my coworker] data for a lot of the erosion and vegetation assessments.
In summary, the interviewed JSF Scholars shared experiences that reflected a thoughtful and empowered approach to their personal career development. Throughout their college and post-college experiences, participants described making thoughtful decisions that supported their pursuit of a meaningful career, taking action to make their plans a reality.
 Education / A Powerful force for change Page 39

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