Page 54 - 2024 May report
P. 54

Theodore and Vivian Johnson Scholarship
Stephanie Altamirano
Interior Design - BS
What is your hometown and state?
Wellington, Florida
Why did you choose to attend FSU?
I chose to attend Florida State University due to the resources available to students in a public institution. Specifically in the interior architecture and design program, I saw how the curriculum and classrooms were directed toward supporting individual growth while allowing for one-on-one interactions with professors. Overall, Florida State University has an overall aura that I knew I would not find anywhere else.
Here is a note of gratitude from your scholarship recipient:
Dear Johnson Scholarship Foundation,
My name is Stephanie Altamirano, and I am honored to have been selected as a recipient of your scholarship. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding my education.
I am in my fourth and final year at Florida State University and will graduate in the spring of 2024. I have been a part of the university’s interior design program and have learned and experienced so much. When I graduate, I intend to pursue a career in healthcare interior design and possibly return to Florida State University to obtain a master’s in interior design. I have gained valuable experiences due to the knowledge and resources provided by the program such as obtaining high-value internships and professional experiences. As a first-generation college student, it puts me at ease to receive such generosity as I pursue my goals. By being awarded your scholarship, you have reduced my financial burden. I can now focus more on my schoolwork and career rather than how I will pay for school, making the most of my education.
     Theodore and Vivian Johnson Scholarship
 Recipient Information
Brianna Williams
  Communication Disorders - BS
What is your hometown and state?
Why did you choose to attend FSU?
I chose to attend Florida State University because of the high-quality communications sciences and disorders program and its reputation for giving students a well-rounded education with premium level instruction by high quality professors. It is also in close proximity to both my family and my physicians, which provides me with the medical and emotional support that I need in dealing with my health challenges while pursuing my education.
Here is a note of gratitude from your scholarship recipient:
Dear Johnson Scholarship Foundation,
I am Brianna Williams, a class of 2024 senior majoring in communications sciences and disorders at Florida State University. I am writing you this letter to thank you for choosing me to be a recipient of the Theodore and Vivian Johnson Scholarship award. Thanks to your generous donation, I was able to pay for my courses as well as purchase the required course materials for the fall semester. I will now be able to continue my education and achieve my goal of becoming a speech language pathologist.
Although I have faced many health challenges that have delayed my progress, I have persevered in the endeavor to attain my education. After completing my education, I intend to help individuals with speech and language problems improve their ability to communicate and give them hope for their futures. Thank you so much for believing that I could reach my goal and for providing much needed financial assistance.
Brianna C. Williams
It motivates me more to obtain my degree knowing there are people who want to see students like me succeed and help us do so. I hope to one day help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. Thank you again for your generosity.
Stephanie Altamirano
     Recipient Information
Theodore and Vivian Johnson Scholarship EK
Emily Kasprowicz
Professional Communication-BS
What is your hometown and state?
Panama City, Florida
Why did you choose to attend FSU?
I chose to attend FSU because my mom went there. I am working towards a bachelor’s degree in Professional Communication to help me get a scholarship to seminary school so I can study to become a minister. I mainly chose to attend FSU because I wanted to continue doing the one thing that I have loved doing my whole life, which is going to school. I am enrolled in the university’s disability program, and they make sure I am on top of my schoolwork. I am happy to report that I finished the 2022-2023 school year with AB Honor Roll. I am doing everything in my power with God’s help to continue my education and fulfill God’s dream for my life.
Here is a note of gratitude from your scholarship recipient:
Dear Johnson Scholarship Foundation,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me the Vivian Johnson Scholarship that I have worked so hard to get. My name is Emily Rae Kasprowicz, and I am a junior at Florida State University in Panama City. I am studying professional communication to get a scholarship to a seminary school. This scholarship means a lot to me because I have autism and I am not letting my autism define me for my life. I am an AB Honor Roll student as of today. I finished the 2022-2023 school year with AB Honor Roll. Thank you so much for the scholarship and God Bless.
Emily Rae Kasprowicz
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