Page 3 - 2024 January report
P. 3
“Who’s got it better than us? Nobody!”
- Jim Harbaugh, Head Football Coach, University of Michigan
On January 8, 2024, Head Coach Jim Harbaugh led the University of Michigan’s football team to win the NCAA National Championship. Michigan fans have adopted the Harbaugh family
tradition of asking, “Who’s got it better than us?” and then answering, “NOBODY!”
The statements were first coined by Jim Harbaugh’s father when Jim was a little boy. While the statements may sound arrogant, they convey at least two very honorable qualities. First, a recognition and appreciation for the opportunity at hand. Second, an optimism for the future.
The world we live in can feel very dark and gloomy. Perhaps every generation has felt that way as they age. Maybe that’s us now. But the evidence seems to be overwhelming on many fronts. The weather appears to signal that this is a different era. Scientists tell us the ice caps are melting and we tend to have more volatile storms, record temperatures, and unseasonably erratic seasons. Our politics are more divisive and toxic. The economy is volatile. Inflation threatens households and the national debt continues to grow. COVID has left a mark. While it once seemed implausible, we live now in the shadow of a worldwide pandemic. The recent plights of the Middle East and Ukraine remind us of the instability of nations and the human suffering of war. These realities cultivate anxiousness and despair.
Robert A. Krause
What are these dark reminders doing in my monthly article? For me,
they provide context and contrast for what makes JSF special. JSF is a
light, both inside and out. The JSF experience inside the organization
is special. The most compelling evidence? None of us wants to leave.
Our practice of being non-political and non-religious affords us the
opportunity for community within diversity. We may hold different world, political, or religious views, but in our service to JSF, we are united in our mission. This collegial culture is a breath of fresh air from the divisive partisanship that is so prevalent in our world.
The JSF experience outside the organization is also special. We meet remarkable people working to do extraordinary things. Educators, students, philanthropic leaders, and volunteers committed to improving their lives and the lives of others. The work is significant by many metrics, but quantifiable. JSF has invested over $175 million since its inception to improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged people.
The start of a new year lends itself to looking forward. Celebrating the JSF experience is not arrogant. We recognize that we are not “the answer”, but we can be part of the answer. I was grateful Lowell brought this thought to structure in December by challenging us to craft our mission and vision statements. JSF is a voice of collective long-term hope — one of many lights in what can be a dark space. Like the Harbaughs and the Michigan Wolverines, we recognize and appreciate the opportunity we have to do good — and we’re optimistic about the future.
Who’s got it better than us?