Page 24 - 2024 August Report
P. 24
Academic Research. Dr. Elaine Smolen and Dr. Maria Hartman of Columbia University Teachers College, who have published research on language education for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, have proposed a study of the efficacy of Talk2MeTM that has been approved by Columbia’s Institutional Research Board (IRB). We expect to enroll families in the study in the fourth calendar quarter of 2024 or the following quarter. Validation in such a study of the efficacy of Talk2MeTM could substantially enhance our ability to expand its reach and attract funding.
Lesson Development. We are continuing to build lesson plans for the next phase of development, but we are holding off production of additional lessons pending feedback on the MVPL from users and coaches.
Overview. We are enthusiastic to work with users and coaches as they progress through multiple lessons. We are focused on providing support, developing best practices, and optimizing the user experience. As we learn about these elements, we will develop a plan to produce remaining lessons and roll out Talk2MeTM to more families in California and beyond.
Additional Funding to Scale. We are developing presentation materials for additional prominent foundations interested in early childhood education, transformational impact, national or international scale, and/or educational technology. We have identified a dozen or so prospects that we would like to acquaint with our programs in advance of needing funding for marketing and support.
Thank You!
Thank you for your commitment to giving children who are deaf or hard of hearing access to high quality, Listening and Spoken Language services! We are grateful for your support.
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