Page 32 - May JSF Report
P. 32
Begin data analyses of IHE pro- fessional respondents
July - September 2023
Analyses of respondent’s tran- scripts; emerging findings deter- mined, literature support provided
Begin data analyses of JSF gradu- ates responses
August-October 2023
Analyses of respondent’s tran- scripts; emerging findings deter- mined, literature support provided
Begin data analyses of current student respondents
September-November 2023
Analyses of respondent’s tran- scripts; emerging findings deter- mined, literature support provided
We are very pleased that the George Washington University granted approval from its Committee on Human Research, Institutional Review Board, FWA00005945 for our study (IRB# NCR234802). The study was determined to be research that is exempt from IRB review under DHHS regulatory category 2 Limited IRB Review.
We are hopeful that our revised recruitment process will interest professionals from Career Services and other student services offices on the twelve SUSF campuses who will share the various ways they support the career goals of JSF Scholars as they prepare for internships, possibly workforce opportunities as undergraduate students and after college employment. As well, we are very eager to receive responses to our recruitment flyers by current JSF Scholars and JSF Scholar alumni. We expect their participation as interviewees will provide information about the importance of the Foundation’s support during their undergraduate years and their after-college employment experiences.
Recruitment efforts to date include outreach to current DS providers, higher education colleagues in the State of Florida at SUSF IHEs, over 150 student organization leaders and advisors on the twelve campuses and early responders to the snowball recruitment effort. We have asked contacts in the field of disabilities and project participants to share project flyers with their students, colleagues and friends through their social media accounts and, if they are willing, to place them on social media accounts. Engagement of personnel associated with the SUSF, should help us develop a data set sufficient for data review, analyses and reporting to the Foundation. Finally, we recognize that the recruitment difficulties have been impacted by ongoing changes in programming, staffing and service delivery throughout the higher education community. The many transitions seem to have broken regular contact with IHE graduates including JSF Scholars in many settings. The unfortunate, unplanned experience of COVID and related disruptions are contributing to the dilemmas we are working to overcome as we seek JSF Scholar alumni for participation in the Project RISE study.
Page 30 May Report