Page 63 - SCADpro Trane Process book
P. 63

   KatIe heaRnS
Illustration B.F.A.
Illustration Manager, Story Artist, Concept Artist,
Process Book Designer
• Scene 3 storyboard
• Key art finalization
• Process book style artist • Process book Graphics
BRanDen toLLey
Themed Entertainment Design M.F.A.
Technology Manager, Presentation Assistant
• Motion Graphics
• Researching technology • Technology budget
chaSe hoeRRneR
Dramatic Writing B.F.A.
Writer & Editor, Process Book Copy Lead
• Script writer and editor
• Process book copy writing
meReDIth waUgh
Dramatic Writing B.F.A.
Writer & Editor
• Script writer and editor
• Process book copy writing
DyLan KImeK
Game Design B.F.A.
3D Workflow Supervisor
• 3D modeling of the interior projector room
LoRIe wheeLeR
Themed Entertainment Design M.F.A.
Presentation Manager, Writer, Story Artist
• Script writer
• Extreme Engineering storyboard
• Early concepts for visual development
mIchaeL K LIm
Dramatic Writing B.F.A.
Writer & Editor, Process Book Logistics Lead
• Script writer and editor
• Process book copy writing
• Liaising with printing company
tX Zheng
Interior Design B.F.A.
Documentation Manager, Concept Artist, BIM Coordinator, Facilities Lead
• Sketching for interior scene
• Modeling/rendering the lobby area

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