Page 68 - SCADpro Trane Process book
P. 68

technoLogy anD FacILItIeS aDVISoRS
Thursby Pierce, Director of Operations - East Portfolio, Electrosonic Philip DiPaula, Senior Sales Consultant, Electrosonic
Neal Overton, Senior Engineer, Electrosonic
Brian Dudash, Owner, B. Dudash & Associate, Inc.
Kirby Bicknell, Director, AC & Heat Pump Engineering, Trane Technologies
SaVannah coLLege oF aRt anD DeSIgn
Nona Lee Davis, Communication Coach
Kate Newell, Dean for The School of Liberal Arts
Karl Rouse, Associate Dean for The School of Entertainment Arts Josh Lind, Executive Director of Strategic Enterprises
tRane RePReSentatIVeS
Leigh Huther, Director of Marketing, Brand and Creative Justin (Gus) Fink, Creative Director
Scott Ewald, Brand Manager
VoIce actoRS
Hannah Chiclana as Irma Stat
Collin Cruikshank as Joe the Server Dude Michael K. Lim as the Computer Jennefer Morris as Greeter/Mother Craig Anton as Reuben Trane/Doctor David Storck as the Testing Foreman Caleb Kitchings as the Father
Bob Shreve as the Investor

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