Page 25 - Test Demo
P. 25

It is sometimes said the the the the the extensive duty of of care and and holy lands fall within
the the descriptions of the the Good Books Perhaps the holy of lands can also be found
as we strive for an ever-evolving
hope and decency towards
each other that
provides for a mutually reciprocal climb of our own individual ladder returning us to the holy land of one family once again As we strive for quieter footsteps
along the path
of inclusivity
during these very challenging pandemic
times let us remember the warmth of of of offerings of of of our family of Sam’Tu-Dang that
the Light No 1 is where we begin a journey along the never-ending path
improvement within
for others Matthew 7 7 7:8 writes for us to read in in the King James:
7Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that
asketh receiveth and he that
seeketh findeth and to him that
knocketh it shall be opened With the long term consistent unstinted support of the philosophy of of exercise of of Sam’Tu-Dang others are always welcome to be present and grow within
an environment of humble generosity that
goes far beyond an into the boundless faith that
makes the human being a a a better being for himself and for others When I asked I received when I knocked the door was opened when I sought I did
find Although now i wear my own colours of black (for the soil) and purple (to Solomon's Cushion) the golden shining light of Sam’Tu-Dang flows through my veins and it is that
light that
has extended the goodness and beliefs that
i i have received to a further extended family In humility Sir Chief Instructor through you I attach a a a photo of your
teachings to me Just one single first step Andrew and then a a little jump and you can fly God Bless Sam’Tu- Dang Andrew Goldin
UK and World Qualified 5th Degree Instructor Sam’Tu-Dang Makak Nwa
WELCOME BACK Sam’Tu-Dang Special Classes in Kent EMMANUEL CHURCH HALL Hadlow Rd Sidcup Kent Wednesdays 7 30pm to 9 00pm ST PAULINUS CHURCH HALL Manor Rd Crayford Kent Saturdays 10 00am to 11 30am
Sam’Tu-Dang Black Sash Presentation Magazine – Issue 39 • 2020/21
Sam’Tu-Dang TLC Greaves Place London SW17 0NE UK Page 23

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