Page 56 - markers
P. 56
Howard Weeden Home
Built in 1819 by H. C. Bradford, this home was later owned by John Read, John McKinley, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (1837-1852), Bartley M. Lowe, M. C. Betts and Maria Howard Weeden (1846-1905) whose poetry and paintings preserve nineteenth century Southern Culture.
Marker by D.A.R. 1910; H.A.B.S. 1935 National Register of Historic Places, 1973
Howard W eeden Home Historical Marker
This 1978 Alabama Historical Association marker, sponsored by the Madison County Commission, is located at 300 Gates Avenue, Huntsville, Alabama. Two errors were discovered prior to this marker being erected. The marker was stored in a warehouse until 1996, when the errors were corrected and the marker was finally erected. A dedication ceremony was held on June 27,
1999. The Weeden House is open to the public. More details regarding this structure and its former residents can be found in References 2 (No. 40), 5, 10,
18, 20, 25, 27, 31, 36, 73, 77, and 87.