Page 7 - Boarding Handbook 2019-2020
P. 7

DAVENPORT HOUSE                                                                              D
Davenport House is a big family home, originally built and owned by the Davenport            V
family in the 1840s. It has been a boarding house for Headington School since 1920 but       E
we keep the original atmosphere of a family home alive.                                      N
We have eight dormitories with a minimum of two to a maximum of five beds. There is a        O
conservatory, television room, games room, computer room, laundry room and kitchen           R
which are all available for you to use in your spare time.                                   T
In Davenport, we have a mixture of full, half weekly and weekly boarders, with up to         O
30 girls from 11 to 14 years old from all around the world, so there will be plenty of       U
opportunities to make new friends and have lots of fun!                                      S
Who’s Who in Davenport
Mrs Grace Millard, Housemistress
This is my second year as Housmistress of Davenport House and I would like to extend my
warmest welcome to you. I live at Davenport with my husband, Tom, and my two children,
Freddie and Phoebe. We also have a black Labrador called Violet, a Heinz 57 called Beth and
two cats Sammie and Kitty. Unfortunately there was no room for the ponies on the lawn so
during the holidays we can all be found back in our home in Somerset.

I grew up in the Hampshire countryside but studied at St Bartholomews Hospital in London
where I lived for a number of years before moving back to the countryside. It was after
having my own children that I retrained to be a teacher. As well as being Housemistress, I
teach Science, so I will be able to help you with your homework if you need it.

The Davenport team work very hard to create a feeling of home and during the summer
we encourage the girls to use the beautiful gardens as much as possible. Our aim is to give
everyone the support and encouragement they need to flourish here at Headington. The
Davenport girls are welcoming and fun and they can’t wait to welcome you into their home.

Mrs Rebecca Wright, Assistant Housemistress
I have been involved in boarding for sixteen years and this will be my second year at
Davenport House. I teach Religious Studies in the Philosophy and RS department. I live
here with my husband, David, daughter, Charlotte, and cocker spaniel, Erik. I have two
grown up children. I love animals, countryside walks and being by the sea!

I very much look forward to welcoming you to our Davenport family.

Day Matron
A newly appointed Day Matron will also be on hand to support the day-to-day running of
the house.
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