Page 9 - Boarding Handbook 2019-2020
P. 9

On Fridays and Saturdays, girls are allowed to stay up a bit later — 9.30 pm for Upper 3      D
and Lower 4 girls and 10.00 pm for Upper 4s.                                                  A
Weekends                                                                                      E
On Saturday mornings we have a late breakfast followed by free time and activities. For       P
Upper 3 and Lower 4 boarders there is often a shopping trip to Oxford or Headington for       O
a couple of hours to buy any bits and pieces you may need.                                    R
On Saturdays and Sundays there is an exciting programme of activities which includes          H
visits to places such as London’s Theatres, The Royal Ballet, art galleries, ice skating and  O
much, much more.                                                                              U
On Sunday evening everyone goes to the Boarders’ Service. This is usually held in the Hall    E
at 5.15 pm. It is a fully inclusive service and all girls attend.

Weekly, Half-Weekly and Occasional Davenport Boarders

Weekly boarders must sign out before leaving on a Friday evening at 4.00 pm or after
their extra-curricular activity. Half-weekly boarders must sign out on their relevant
departure day.

Girls returning on Sunday evening should arrive by 9.00 pm.

There may be occasional weekends when half-weekly and weekly boarders will be
required to stay in school. At other times half-weekly and weekly boarders may stay in at
the weekend by arrangement with Mrs Rahmatallah, Head of Boarding.

Contact Details

Davenport House, Headington School,
Oxford OX3 0BN
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 759183
Mobile: +44 (0) 7860 926005
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 762847
Payphone numbers: +44 (0)1865 759851
+44 (0)1865 759185
Housemistress: Mrs Grace Millard
Day Matron: TBC

Mrs Millard and Mrs Wright

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