Page 6 - GCSE Guide to courses 2020-2022
P. 6

Core subjects

•	 English Language
•	 English Literature
•	 Mathematics
•	 Biology
•	 Chemistry
•	 Physics

Humanities (choose at least one)

•	 Classical Civilisation
•	 Geography
•	 History
•	 Philosophy and Religious Studies

Modern Languages (choose at least one)

•	 French
•	 German
•	 Spanish

Optional subjects (make up to 10 subjects)

•	 Art and Design: Fine Art
•	 Art and Design: Art Textiles
•	 Classical Civilisation 	
•	 Classical Greek 				
•	 Computer Science
•	 Dance
•	 Drama
•	 Food and Nutrition
•	 Geography
•	 German
•	 History
•	 Latin
•	 Music
•	 Philosophy and Religious Studies
•	 Physical Education
•	 Spanish

You will also follow Physical Education (as a non-examination course) and a Personal, Social and Health
Education (PSHE) course.

Most girls will, therefore, take a maximum of 10 GCSE subjects, all of which will be examined at
the end of U5. As it is more important to get good grades than to get many GCSEs, some girls may
ultimately reduce the number of subjects being studied as they move through their course, such as
moving from separate to Dual Award Science. Ten GCSE subjects is a heavy workload but there will
be some curricular time available for enrichment work and supervised study periods in the Library or
Diamond building.

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