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permanent establishments; Some are established for certain special occasions to accommodate religious ceremonies; to proffer foods to monks and to cater others who attend the ceremonies—in order to ease the burden of the temples. And, some rongdana are independent, not involved with any religious ceremonies. They are opened to the general public for specific occasions.
Rongdana Ruamjai has been set up as a permanent establishment. Its key objectives are to be a place to proffer foods to monks; and to provide foods to dhamma practitioners, to favorably accommodate their dhamma practices. Rongdana Ruamjai is the place to garner the hearts and minds of all faithful students to humbly think of the gracious benefactions of Than Maekru Narawan Kultornchutipas who was the founder of Vipassana Meditation Place For Mind Development. And, Rongdana Ruamjai was established to be the place that provides both material things as well as the precious gift of dhamma to anyone who are interested in dhamma practice. This is for the current benefits of the receivers (ditthadhammikattha); for the future benefits of the givers (samparayikattha); and for the supreme benefits of those who search for the Ultimate Truth within Buddhism in the end (paramattha).

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