Page 61 - Vision Manual
P. 61

Thinking Problems
  Sometimes people have problems concentrating on conversations or activities. The following strategies might be helpful:
 Minimize distractions, so there is only one thing to concentrate on. For example, if oyu’re trying to concentrate on a phone conversation, make sure the radio and TV are off, and that any other people nearby know you are trying to listen.
Assert yourself if needed.
 Ask the person with whom you are conversing to slow down or repeat things that you might be uncertain of.
 Check to make sure you understand by summarizing what you have heard. For example, you can say something like “Let me see if I understand your main point; are you saying ___________ ?”
 Break down activities or tasks into smaller parts, and take frequent breaks. For example, if you are trying to clean your kitchen, break the task down into one task at a time, starting with the dishes, then the counters, then the floors. You could break it down even further, focusing on just each dish, or just one section of counter, and so on.
What are some additional strategies or skills you might add to this list that can help with concentration?
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