Page 65 - Vision Manual
P. 65

Mood Problems
Some people find that they feel angry or irritable much of the time, and get outraged about situatiosn that would ordinarily seem relatively minor.
Because this is a common problem, there are programs for anger management, which many people have found helpful. Some of the techniques taught in anger management includes:
 Recognize the early signs that you are starting to feel angry (for example, heart pounding, jaw clenching, perspiring) so that you can keep things from getting out of control.
 Identify situations that commonly make you feel angry and learn how to deal with these situations more effectively. This will oftentimes involve mastering the assertiveness skills discussed in this manual.
 Develop strategies for staying calm when you feel angry. This can include counting to ten before responding to someone or something, distracting yourself, temporarily leaving the situation, or politely changing the subject.
 Learn how to express angry feelings briefly and constructively.
 Speak firmly and calmly when expressing anger.
 Suggest to others how anger-producing situations can be changed in the future.
What helps you control your anger? What would you add to this list?
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