Page 28 - PCMI Journal July 2018
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 David Allen | Emeritus Professor | Cranfield University | UK Photochemical Machining: Where has it come from, and where is it going?
Loening E.E., Note on Cold Enamel, Process Engravers’ Monthly, 1948, 209-210 (July) and 241-2 (August).
Loening E.E., A Process for making Acid Resists for Graticules, Process Engravers’ Monthly, 1950, 266, 269-270 (September) and 297-8, 301 (October).
Micrometal GmbH, Redefining What’s Possible with Photochemical Etching, Commercial Micro Manufacturing International, Volume 10, No.5, September 2017, 7-9.
Mitsubishi Paper Mills, Photosensitive Resin Composition and Etching Process, US Patent Application 20180046079, filed March 16, 2016 and published February 15, 2018.
PCMI, Japan Photo Fabrication Association Established, PCMI Journal, 21, Summer 1985, 9.
Tsang A., The Design Engineer’s Guide to Photochemical Etching, Commercial Micro Manufacturing International, Volume 10, No.5, September 2017, 20-25.
Schaffert R.M., Winkler J.H., Vaaler L.E. and Deubner R.L., The Ferric Chloride Etching of Copper for Photoengravings, Photo-Engravers Research Inc., Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1949.
Smethurst P.C., The Cold Enamel Process – Some Underlying Factors, Process Engravers’ Monthly, 1942, 5-7 (January) and 37-39 (February).
Wallis F.G. and Cannon R.V., Letterpress Platemaking, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1969.
Wilson W., Dry film imaging considerations for photochemical machining, PCMI Journal 112, March 2009, 20-21.
 Issue 131 July 2018 PCMI Journal 27

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